Five Simple Tips for Holiday Photos...

Title Photo by photographer Walter Tatulinski
Holidays! The holidays are upon us once again. Family, friends, good times and fantastic celebrations. A time to gather with loved ones and remember all that has passed throughout the year.
For many photographers, the holidays are a busy time. We’re asked to document and preserve memories that are so important to so many. But the holidays can also be incredibly challenging to photograph. The lighting is variable (and often dim or multicolored), people are moving quickly, backgrounds are busy, and there is always so much going on at the same time. How to address the challenges and make the images you want? Here are five tips to help you take great holiday photos.
Holiday Tip #1: Dealing with dim lighting…
Holiday Tip #2: Bounce Flash
Holiday Tip #3: Long Exposures
Holiday Tip #4: Get Close
Holiday Tip #5: Take Test Shots


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